Mountains of the moon ; In CE150 Alexandrian geographical researcher and photographer, pletomy, when he described a stunning mountain which he christened “Mountains of the Moon”, the fabled Mountains of the Moon is situated in western Uganda in East Africa Rift Valley along the Uganda-Congo border. The mountains consist of ancient rocks which were extruded from the surrounding plains during the formation of the western rift valley. These Precambrian rocks have produced soils of low fertility, except on parts of the northern ridge where volcanic ash from the Fort Portal plateau was deposited.
The Rwenzori mountain ranges are higher compared to the Alps and they have the glaciers which are one the source of the world longest river, River Nile. The equatorial snow peaks include Mt.Stanley,Mt.Speke (4.890m), Mt.Baker,Mt.Gessi (in the Congolese side, 4.715 m), Mt. Emin (4.791 m). Mt. Luigi di Savoia. Mount Stanley, with Alexandra (5.083 m), Albert peaks (5.101 m) and Mt. Margherita (5,109 m) which is the third highest point in Africa.
Rwenzori Mountains National Park protects the highest parts of the 120km-long and 65km-wide Rwenzori mountain range. The national park hosts 70 mammals including l’Hoest monkey, chimpanzees, forest elephants, hyrax, leopard, yellow backed duiker, golden cat, genet, giant forest hog and bushbuck, Angola colobus, the black and white colobus. The mammals, though not many in numbers, can be found in the lower mountain forest zone. The 217 bird species including 19 Albertine Rift endemics such as handsome, francolin, cinnamon chested bee-eater, robin, montane boubou, slender-billed starling, black eagle, the malachite sunbird, the long tailed cuckoo, long eared owl, Rwenzori Turaco.
The Rwenzori is most known especially for its extraordinary flora and the different vegetation zones that create charismatic, fairytale scene. The vegetation zones are as following:
- Mountain forest zone (1500 – 2500 m);
- The bamboo zone (2500 – 3000 m);
- The heather and rapenea zone (3000 – 4000 m), which is characterized by the giant heathers Erica, but also giant lobelias and Senecio;
- The Alpine Zone (4000 – 4.500 m) with everlasting flowers
In 1991, Rwenzori Mountains were gazette as a National Park and is both UNESCO world heritage site and RAMSAR site. It covers almost 1000 and strides across the district of Kabalore, Kasese and Bundibudyo.
The Central Circuit Trail: This challenging, seven-day climb provides a circular tour of the high Rwenzori. From the trailhead at Mihunga, the route ascends the Bujuku Valley via Nyabitaba for acclimatization before reaching the peaks. Travels joining the Central Circuit after Bujuku will traverse the Scott Elliot and Freshfield passes to descend through the Mubuku Valley. Climbers can scale the snow peaks though many consider the exceptional scenery ample reward for their exertions.
Kilembe Trail: The recently reopened Kilembe Trail ascends the southern slopes of the Rwenzori from a trailhead at Kilembe near the town of Kasese. The route along the lovely Nyamwamba Valley passes glacial lakes and some stunning viewpoints before joining the Central Circuit at Lake Kitandara. The standard route scales Mount Baker though the scenery makes shorter treks rewarding enough.
For those who prefer something a little less strenuous, neighboring Bakonzo villages offer nature walks, farmstead visits home cultural performances and accommodation, including home-cooked local cuisine.
“In the book, it sounded so beautiful so I promised myself that I would climb it. I made up my mind, I could get done with it before I am too old to climb,” said 78 year-old Park, the oldest person to date to climb up to Margherita peak.
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