Nyungwe rain-forest national park is located in the Southwestern region of Rwanda, at an elevation of over 1600m, sounds and sights collaborate to create a magic experience as you journey through the majestic rainforest. The park holds the source of Africa’s great rivers, feeding the Nile in the east and Congo River in the west, […]

Buhanga Ecopark, despite its small size (around 31 hectares) just a short drive from volcanoes national park is a hidden treasure packed with a great deal of biological and cultural significance. The location is built on an ancient sacred site that was used for coronation rituals of Rwandan kings. The forest takes on a different […]

Volcanoes National Park, which lies along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Uganda consisting of 125 square kilometer, is home to one third of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, golden monkey and a rich mosaic of montane ecosystems. The park name’s and the majestic landscape is framed by five volcanoes it […]

There are three distinct species of elephant left in the world: The Asian elephant (of which there are a number of sub-species), Africa has the forest elephant and Bush elephant (a.k.a. African Savanna Elephant) species. Although these two Elephant species are very similar, the African Bush Elephant is considered to be generally larger than the African Forest Elephant, which has rounder ears […]

Akagera National Park is in the northeast of Rwanda and is central Africa’s largest protected wetland. Situated along the border with Tanzania, this 112, 000-hectare reserve is the only Big Five sanctuary and the last remaining refuge for savannah-adapted species in Rwanda.  It is names after the Akagera River that flows along its eastern boundary […]

September 2024