WELCOME  TO TANZANIA ,The soul of Africa. It was here, on dusty floor of Olduvai, that humankind’s earliest relatives walked, leaving their footprint behind as a mark of humanity’s beginning. It was here, on the palm-fringed beaches of Zanzibar, that Swahili traders welcomed dhows from across the Indian Ocean.

Tanzania truly, is a safari destination without peer. An unparalleled one-quarter of its surface area has been set aside for conservation purposes, with the world-renowned Serengeti National Park and incomprehensibly vast Selous Game Reserve heading a rich mosaic of protected areas that collectively harbor an estimated 20 percent of Africa’s large mammal population. The experience of a lifetime is just within your reach. Visitors can enjoy authentic African wilderness without paved roads and fencing. A wildlife safari can be enhanced by a wide choice of beach holidays or various other activities. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro- the roof of Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. Deep-sea fishing, hot air ballooning, scuba diving, swimming with dolphins, visit to the numerous archeological sites, whale watching and perhaps most valuable of all, participating in one or more of the many cultural tourism activities to gain an insight into the history and culture of the people. Visit Zanzibar’s historic Stone Town- another of Tanzania’s seven UNESCO World Heritage sites. Relax on the dazzling white, palm-fringed beaches, where the azure waters of the Indian Ocean beckon swimmers’ divers, fishermen and water-sports enthusiasts alike. Breath in the scents of cloves, vanilla, cardamom and nutmeg, and discover why Zanzibar is called “The Spice Islands”


A wide number of International airlines fly direct to Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar including KLM, Swiss, Emirates, Egyptair, Etihad, Ethiopian Airlines, Oman Air, Qatar Airways Turkish Airlines & FlyDubai.

Numerous regional carries fly into Tanzania from Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comores, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda


International flight serves Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR), 15km from Dar es Salaam city Centre and Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), 42km from Arusha. Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) IS 8km from Stone Town and Songwe International Airport from Mbeya city. Anew expanded International arrivals & departure Terminal is set to open in April 2017 at DAR airport.


Entering Tanzania requires both a valid passport (with at least six months validity remaining) and a Tanzanian visa. With the exception of Hong Kong, Jamaica, Barbados, Malaysia, and roughly a dozen African nations; everybody entering Tanzania is required to have a tourist visa. While the information below is up to date at the time of writing, it is advisable to always check ahead to ensure visa processes or charges have not changed.

Visas are available upon arrival in Tanzania, whether you’re landing at the airport or are making a border crossing.  Check current requirement with the nearest Tanzanian High Commission, Embassy or consulate, or your travel agent. Visa, if required, can be bought on arrival at all international airports and overland borders. For more information, please visit: https://www.tanzaniaevisa.com/visa-information



Generally dry and hot with cool nights/Mornings June; October; short rains November to Mid-December; long rains March-May but the seasons can vary. The coastal strip is hot and humid all year round. Temperature on Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru drop to below freezing.


Yellow fever vaccination is no longer compulsory. Malaria is endemic but is preventable: use insect repellent, cover up at sundown, sleep under a mosquito net and take anti-malaria prophylactics as advised by your doctor. Bring prescription medicines, spare glasses, contact lenses and solution as well as sunscreen, a first aid kit, cream for bites/ stings and diarrhea remedy. Drink only boiled or bottled water, avoid ice cubes and salads. HIV/Aids is widespread, especially in the main tourist areas


English is widely spoken but a few words of Swahili can be useful and will be appreciated by locals.


3hrs + GMT


230V, but power failures, surges and troughs are common. Bring a universal adaptor and a torch (flashlight) or headlamp.


The unit of currency is the Tanzania shilling which is divided into 100 cents. Most major currencies particularly US dollars are accepted and may be converted at banks and Bureaux de change in the main towns and tourist areas. DO NOT change money in the street however favorable the rate appears.  Most major 4&5, star hotels and Tour operator accept credit cards. However, it should be noted that many hotels, excursion companies & tour operator do not accept credit card payments. Dar es Salaam and Moshi offer ATM facilities against international credit cards, but ATMs are not available elsewhere. Visitors may be expected to pay in foreign currency for game parks.



Reservations Manager

Take every chance you get in life, because somethings only happen once.